I'm sure you're imagining this blog post is going to be about makeup…..well, this time it’s about your wedding day photographer. After 20 years working as a makeup artist, I have met the good, the bad and the ugly in the photography world. Here is just one personal experience I had which leads me to the speech "I can’t stress enough why your photographer should be on the 'do not skimp' list."
I was contacted by a bride at the last minute to provide makeup services for her and her bridal party. No worries, I could accommodate her. I arrive at the hotel and begin my makeup services. I’m about halfway through the bridal party when a guy arrives with a camera. The camera looked something like this.
I presume it’s a friend of the family snapping some pre-wedding photos. Wrong…..it was the wedding day photographer......... So, now I am still assuming it’s a friend of the family. Well, you know what they say about assuming things……It’s not a friend of the family. It’s the hired photographer.
I finish up my work and the photographer hands me a business card. I take a quick glance at the card…..no website listed and the email isn’t even remotely related to the photographer’s name or business. I understand not everyone is able to get their own domain email, but I would expect someone in business to at least get an email such as xyzphotography@email.com or something along those lines. This “business card” was printed on photo paper and cut apart with scissors (not even or straight I might add)….I guess they never got the 500 business cards for only $10 email.
A month passes and I contact the photographer to see if I could perhaps get some wedding photos. The first response from the photographer is addressed to the bride’s name, not mine, and states he will send photos tomorrow. Tomorrow comes and goes, but still no email or pictures. After a week I send another email asking if perhaps there is an online viewing gallery I could look at. This time, I get an reply that states he will send some photos if he can remember how to send them in the email. Seriously?? Well ,an email comes with photos not of the bride nor her bridal party, but of me!! Not really what I was looking for.
Brides, the moral of the story here is that you can always go back and get photos reprinted and albums made, but you can’t fix bad photography or lousy service. Make sure your photographer is a top priority.
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