As a performer, your day usually begins with an early call time.You may often work well into the evening with just enough time to eat and get ready for the next day's schedule. Most of the working hour s are typically spent in makeup under hot lighting. So, i n order to keep your skin looking fresh and vibrant, I've compiled a few tips. Start by keeping your skin healthy and soft. Be sure to treat your skin kindly and it will return the favor. First of all, never sleep in your makeup; this includes eyeliner and mascara. You want to be sure to remove all traces of makeup using a quality face wash and makeup remover. Cetaphil is a great choice and perfect for sensitive skin. Use warm water, never hot. Hot water can be damaging to you skin by drying it out and stripping its natural oils. Be sure to fully rinse your face removing all traces of makeup and face wash. Pat dry and avoid rubbing your skin. If you are rushing from one place to the next, u...

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