I am sure you realize your wedding isn't a dress rehearsal and there is no do-over, but take it from someone who has seen her fair share of weddings, there are just some things you want to be sure you've got down pat because you won't have a second chance to get it right. Consider your wedding to be comparable to the workings of a feature film. You've got the Leading Lady role and your groom is up for Best Supporting Actor . Your Cast of Characters encompasses your bridal party and immediate family members and don't forget the Background Actors , your guests. To create a blockbuster hit, you'll need a Full Crew ; including but not limited to: Director and Assistant Director (wedding planner, banquet manager, officiant) Technical Crew (photographer, videographer) Production Support (accommodations, food) Location Selection (venue, church) Soundtrack (music selection, DJ, band) Hair and Makeup Team Special Effects (lighting, decor, details) Pr...

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