Here are a few suggestions for your "Just In Case" bag...
Antacid Tablets
Aspirin or Pain Reliever
Baby Powder
Blister Pads
Bottled Water or Other Drinks
Breath Mints or Mouth Wash
Bug Spray
Cash (small denominations for tips and change for vending machines, parking meters, etc.)
Clear Nail Polish (perfect for nylon runs, broken nails & more)
Comb or Brush
Contact Lens Solution and Case
Cough Drops or Throat Lozenges
Cotton Balls and Cotton Swabs or Q-Tips
Dental Floss and Toothpicks
Doublestick Tape & Scotch Tape
Eye Drops
Extra Earring Backs
Extra Pair of Pantyhose
Granola Bar, Power Bar, Dried Fruit or Crackers (quick snacks)
Hand Lotion or Moisturizer
Hand Mirror or Compact Mirror
Hand Wipes or Baby Wipes
Hair Pins or Hair Clips
I.D., Important Documents and Telephone Numbers
Krazy Glue
Lint Roller
Matches or Lighter
Nail File and Nail Glue
Notebook and Pens
Perfume or Body Spray
Portable Iron or Steamer
Plastic Bags (great for protecting shoes from puddles or stashing dirty garments or trash)
Plastic Drinking Cups and Flatware
Sewing Kit (needles, buttons, thread, etc.)
Spot Remover or Stain Stick
Static-Cling Spray
Straight Pins and Safety Pins
Straws (for drinking without messing up lipstick)
Sunscreen or Sunblock
Tampons or Sanitary Napkins
Tissues or Kleenex
Travel-Sized Hair Spray and Hair Gel
Travel-Sized Deodorant
Travel Toothbrush and Toothpaste
Umbrella or Rain Coat
White Chalk (use it to cover up dirt or smudges on your wedding dress)
This is fantastic!! I am loving the white chalk idea!!